Achterhagen 8
21436 Marschacht
OT Niedermarschacht
The location of the apartment is ideal for people interested in:
visiting the unique and picturesque regions along and
close to the Elbe River that are known as the "Marsch"
and the "Vierlande". These regions are characterized by
a vast low-
charming heath area ("Heide") south of Lüneburg.
doing excursions to the nearby exciting cities like
e.g. Hamburg, Lüneburg, Bleckede, Lauenburg, Geesthacht and Winsen
going to the local natural parks („Schwarze Berge" and „Lüneburger Heide") or to the farm museum („Freilichtmuseum am Kiekeberg")
walking and cycling tours along the Elbe River
fishing, swimming and doing water sports
making business or working in this area
Local shops:
There are two big supermarkets, a drug store, two banks and a Post Office in a 5 to 10-
Photo gallery of the surroundings
For more information please visit the homepage of the community "Samtgemeinde Elbmarsch":
Ferienwohnung Elb-